Case: Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat UIO ry

Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat ry or UIO ry is an association that brings together more than 3,000 engineering students. UIO ry acts as a professional organization for students in the field of technology and transport at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The goal of UIO ry is the development of engineering education and engineering student culture, as well as the professional protection of the interests of engineering students together with Insinööriliitto, Insinööriopiskelijaliitto and Helsingin Insinöörit.

Recognizing the central role of the website in communicating with members and external stakeholders, UIO decided to revamp its website to offer an even better user experience and reflect its brand in a modern and innovative way.

In the design and implementation of the new website, emphasis was placed on visual appeal, user-friendliness, and easy updateability and navigability. The choice of the WordPress platform enabled a flexible and scalable solution that meets the needs of UIO. The website is designed to contain a wide selection of information pages that provide comprehensive information about the association, its activities and events.

One of the key requirements was the implementation of bilingualism, so that the site would serve both Finnish and English-speaking users. This opens the doors to a more international audience for the association.

The site also has features such as an image slider and image galleries that enrich the user experience with visually appealing content. In addition, the event calendar and online magazine archive offer their users an easy way to keep up to date with the association’s events and publications.

We should also not forget the embedded social media feeds that were integrated as part of the site. This creates an interactive environment where members can share their experiences and keep up to date with the activities of the association and its members on different platforms.

UIO’s new website is not only an effective communication channel for the association’s members, but also a tool for outward-oriented communication and marketing. They represent the association’s brand in a modern way and offer versatile opportunities for their users to engage and participate in community activities.

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Uudenmaan Insinööriopiskelijat UIO ry:n WordPress-sivujen etusivu
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